
Findoutifyou'vebeenpartofadatabreachwith⁨FirefoxMonitor⁩.We'llhelpyouunderstandwhattodonextandcontinuouslymonitorforanynew ...,Wemonitorallknowndatabreachestofindoutifyourpersonalinformationwascompromised.Here'sacompletelistofallofthebreachesthathavebeen ...,Firefox'spasswordmanagementwillshowyoualertsaboutloginspotentiallyexposedindatabreachesandpasswordsthatmaybevulnerable.,FirefoxMonitorisa...

Firefox Monitor

Find out if you've been part of a data breach with ⁨Firefox Monitor⁩. We'll help you understand what to do next and continuously monitor for any new ...

All breaches detected by Firefox Monitor

We monitor all known data breaches to find out if your personal information was compromised. Here's a complete list of all of the breaches that have been ...

Firefox Password Manager

Firefox's password management will show you alerts about logins potentially exposed in data breaches and passwords that may be vulnerable.

Firefox Monitor

Firefox Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak.

Resolve breaches with Firefox Monitor

Firefox Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak.

Get started with Firefox Monitor

Firefox Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak.

Mozilla leaks thousands of developers' emails and ...

Mozilla leaks thousands of developers' emails and passwords. It's the stuff of nightmares for any business but when you're a major name in web development, ...

What is a DNS Leak?

DNS leaks usually happen when a VPN is programmed incorrectly or if the VPN service you're using is simply unreliable. Sometimes a VPN you're using, like a free ...

Have You Been Pwned? Firefox Tool Will Tell You

Mozilla has officially launched Firefox Monitor, a free service that scans your email against the 'Have I Been Pwned' database to let you know if your ...